5 Quick Fixes for New DM's

So, you had a couple of DnD sessions. You got into the hobby, the party is waiting for the next session, everything swell, right? Well, like any other hobby, everybody can improve in their craft, and being a Dungeon Master is not an exception. Let's talk about the common mistakes I see from newly baked DMs and what we can learn from them.

How To Prepare For Your FIRST D&D Session

It's quite daunting to start your first D&D session. There are many tools that you might not know yet. You will need to decide on your Note structure, for having a productive D&D session, how to balance the game itself, since there are so many things to juggle at the same time. Today we will be looking at how to prepare for your D&D session and learn a couple of ways how to avoid some of the mistakes I made as a Fresh Dungeon Master.

VIDEO: How To Make Papercraft for Dungeons & Dragons

We're making papercraft and today we will learn how to use it for your D&D table. It's an easy, cheap and great way for your players to visualize the field of battle. We going to make a master template for your papercraft, so you could make dungeons in a spur of the moment. But, actually, we are just cutting some paper with some grid, yet it's going to be worth it in the end..

How To Make A D&D Map

In the last episode, we are looking at ways how not to make an Epic Wizards Tower. That video made me sick, I got the plague(the flu) for the following week so this video is me trying to wrestle with the flu, my tendencies for rambling and the English Language. Today, we are looking at ideas on how to make fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, that you can use at your table, enjoy.

Death Saving Tips to Organize your Game

Organizing your game is one of the most significant pain points running D&D. You need to manage a group of people with different life schedules and ensure that everyone can participate in your game. And of course, there is last moment flaking and countless other things that Dungeon Master needs to take into consideration when running a game effectively.

How Not To Burn Out Running a Sandbox Campaign

One of the biggest problems in running a sandbox campaign, in my opinion, is the scale problem and the biggest of them all - burnout since you probably will need to prepare more than one or couple things before the session. In this blog post, we will take a look at how I deal with these scale problems and what do I do to avoid burnout, that could happen rather fast if not managed well.

How To Run Your Villains Organically

Look, there are many ways to create conflict with your villains. Sometimes Dungeon Masters get a little bit overboard giving reacquiring Villians more powers, followers and other things that make your players go - what? Today I will be dwelling on how to run your villains organically, create more conflict in your campaign, and have more fun while doing so.

Turning Character Flaws into Flawless Player's Strength

Yes, we all know that flaws make the characters Interesting. BUT, let's try to find some angles here on how to have FUN, playing up these flawed character roles for ourselves. So let's find some ways you could enjoy being a total shmuck while playing an unbalanced mess of a character, not suited for the best damage rolls, but in the long run, getting something more fabulous than that in return.   

How to Use Goblins in Combat Encounters

Goblins are one of the most Iconic fantasy creatures. In Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeon Masters tend to use Goblins more for lower-level play. Sometimes, they even overuse them by making dull encounters for the party to level up. They are small, fragile, and any adventuring party could squash them in their way. But as a representative of the Dungeon Goblin here, I cannot have this. Killing and using Goblins just for low-level encounters must stop today. Goblin lives matter and Goblins must prevail, and today we will be looking at ways to creatively use them in our combat encounters. 

How to Roleplay a Fighter

Being a fighter in Dungeons and Dragons is one of the more popular choices people tend to make by starting with D&D. Roleplaying a fighter brings its challenges, since most of the time, people tend to think they are just brutish damage dealers, and that's it pretty much it to their character. If you're thinking of playing a fighter that will not be the case with your character. Today we will be reviewing the Fighters Class, and it's subclass types, and how to enhance your roleplaying playing this class.  

Writing Characters for Your Dungeons And Dragons Game

When writing many characters for your RPG game, how do you find inspiration to distinguish your NPCs from the player's characters? The answer is not the easiest, in my opinion, especially when you need to tie them with your story that you are planning to make as a Dungeon Master. These are a couple of ways that I find inspiration for the characters that appear in my games. With these tips, I find something to write even if I have nothing but a blank page looking at me, looking at me like a buffoon.

Spotify soundtracks for your DnD game

If you have a Spotify, even better, Spotify Premium, this post is for you. There are many ways to enhance your games with music, yet most of the time, searching for the right soundtracks on Youtube is somewhat uncomfortable at best. If you use Spotify for your sessions and games, here is a Dungeon Goblin curated a list of soundtracks that you can use and follow for your games. The list most of the time is renewed, and feedback is excellent for what kind of soundtracks would like to see in the future.

How to create a DnD Village?

Villages are not the most exciting places in DnD. Most of the time, a village is a place for your players that just started the campaign or in the long run, a stop to rest up between adventures that lead the players to Dungeons or other Quest Locations. But that doesn’t mean that they have to be boring or don’t have something to do with them. The opposite, if you craft your village well, there could be plenty of things to explore for your players and stories to craft if you do it well.